District 114
Our Schools
Parent Resources
Manhattan School District 114 is pleased to announce that we are continuing our efforts of "going green" by implementing a new approach to communicating messages from our community groups and municipal agencies to our students and their families. We will no longer be sending those fliers home in backpacks with our students, but rather posting them through the Virtual Backpack link that appears on the district's website homepage.
Manhattan School District receives numerous requests from outside organizations to distribute promotional/information materials to our students. All approval for distributing this information is based on our School Board Policy. All requesting organizations should be aware that the only material considered for publication on our Virtual Backpack will either be an activity that a school-aged student can participate in or information for parents. Manhattan School District 114 does not participate in advertising products or services to the parents of our district.
Organizations wishing to have their flyers appear in the Virtual Backpack should contact Kim Maher at kmaher@manhattan114.org .